Benefits for the customer


Technology Evolution: a Space technology down to Earth now

The HELT Cell™ was originated from Space technology with the aim to eliminate the need for RHU (radioisotope heater units) for the batteries in Exploration Vehicles in Lunar Missions.

The HELT Cell™ is revolutionizing now the low temperature energy sector in the terrestrial level because it lifts -totally- the temperature barrier.

No Li-ion battery can efficiently operate at low temperatures without the need of external heating

HELT Cell™ offers more than 100 Wh/kg at -40 °C

HELT Cell™ beats the chill factor and Enables New Perspectives for Batteries

Benefits for the customer

Without the need of heat-up devices and/or warmup intervals, such applications will profit from lower system complexity, total cost and power consumption.


Moreover, this technology is compatible with existing industrial production methods.


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